IFAC is establishing its name by making contribution in revealing out irregularities in various government departments and by making awareness among the people, about their Right. We help local, National and even International Law enforcement Officials in their constant effort to curtail the activities of Crime Syndicates, rackets, Organized gangs, smuggles and law breaking in general.
Many people contact us to sort out their personal/Individual Problems or to satisfy their personal grudges, however, our IFAC does not work for the individuals. Moreover, if it is done that will definitely be very exceptional Case IFAC believes to work in those issues. That involve large public.
Issues related to the safety of the environment. For revealing the functional irregularities or corruption in Government departments. Take urgent step and investigation for bonded labor, child labor, Custodial encounter death, consumer related issues , police Atrocities, rape, sexual harassment. To protection of human rights, right of the dalit, Anti Money Laundering, (Hawala), women and Disadvantaged section of the society. To help local, national and even international law enforcements Officials in their constant effort to curtail the activities of crime Syndicate, rackets, organized gangs, smugglers law braking in general. To give secret information about fake currency, narcotics, drugs, Illegal weapons, smugglers, crime syndicate, terrorists to related Govt. Departments, ministries, investigation departments for make our Country care free and safe..